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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Black and White

My SUMMER is coming to an end early... this year.  my youngest son starts kindergarten and while usually school begins the end of August, because of the crazy weather last winter he started mid-week / last week.

yes, he has to write out his super long hyphenated first name!
{I'm a mean mom like that, lol}
The first day of Kindergarten is scary. Shoot, the first day of anything is scary. We all have those butterflies, the ones that come when you aren't sure of what the outcome will be. Needless to say, when we picked him up his tears poured down. "Mommy, it is so scary and soooo long"... and mommy just hugged and kissed on him. "Tomorrow will be better sweetie", and it was! I am so happy to say that he is enjoying himself, though he is still missing mommy and still thinks it is too long. ;)

He was already tearing and when he saw us...
a big smile, then the tears, tears, and more tears :(
 Well while he was getting ready for his new venture, I decided to step out and have my hair cut and then highlighted {hl for the 1st time}... and I LOVE IT! Thanks to an awesome fellow classmate/ teacher in training... and her amazing skills! 

And with a little editing magic... 

Ok, onto something yummy! 

Have you ever had or made this? OH.MY.GOODNESS. it is awesome! My friend Nicki introduced my taste buds to this a few weeks ago... So when we were deciding what to eat yesterday for our get together--- I volunteered her to teach me {and being the good friend that she is, she did!}.

There is the dough... we added some basil, olive oil, and fresh garlic in it! And then I shaped them {see Mickey Mouse?!} for her to put on the grill ... the gas grill she got for her hubby for Father's Day.

And the toppings... complete with some fresh chives that I GREW!!! {yay me}

And there's my pizza... my GRILLED PIZZA! Yes, I loaded it up {I was so excited, if you couldn't tell}. And yes, IT.WAS.YUMMY.

Now... onto my craftiness of the day!

I bought this black fabric at WM today for $2 and wanted to use some of it to make something with rosettes... 

I went into my bag of goodies and came across a black and white chain and clasp set that I bought on clearance at HL... then some B&W fabric scraps I got from there as well, pearl shine buttons, and some braided b&w ribbon... so I knew I was going to make a necklace {just not the design}.

This is what I came up with. 
And I love it! It is different, and was super fun to make.
Now it just needs some clever name, 
other than Black & White Fab Necklace... 

Party at:


  1. Your hair looks great! That necklace is fabulous!!

  2. Double thanks Tammy! :)

    Now I need to decide what to wear my necklace with... ;)

  3. I love the hair!! :) I sooo need a hair cut with some style! :)

  4. Thanks Di! I was so glad I had it done... and by a friend from school (who I didn't know has done hair for 7 yrs)... only $45! WOAH! But, she will be student teaching in two weeks, for the semester- so she won't be able to run her shop while teaching and taking care of her beautiful lovies... so I hope I can find someone to do my hair like she did- and charge the same! ;)

  5. Your necklace is awesome. Black and white combos are so in! I just found your site through a blog party and am happy to be a new follower. I would love for you to link your post up at my Savvy HomeMade blog party at


Oh how I love comments {seeing I can be quite the chatterbox when I come out of my shell}...