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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fabric Earrings

Well it was a long week, which will wrap up tomorrow with the last day of college registration on campus, followed by my first night class of the semester...  like I said a LONG day! I am so excited that classes are about to begin, but am wondering if I will have the time to craft still?! YES, I must make a way {it feeds my creative escape}.
Anyways... after a long day of cleaning and playing with the little guy I sat down for an hour and came up with 2 cute crafts. One is so simple I will walk you through! 

These cute EARRINGS took me less than 15 minutes to make!

I bought these cute pre-made ROSES and have been wondering what I should make with them when it hit me... earrings! And why not? They are a great size for them. So while I was thinking about {dreading actually} having to find time to head out to Hobby Lobby {which I love but will have no time to go to for at least a couple of weeks} I stumbled upon a few studs not in use... 

So a little trimming of the back of the roses {to make them thinner/flatter}, a little hot glue, and some working of the fingers... I slipped the posts right on through the roses and glued them into place!

I love how WHIMSY the lady bug earrings look... but I also love how SWEET the black ones look!  

Why not try to make your own? I know I will be making more in the future {and looking for something to go behind the back of the roses}

I also made some fabric rosette rings... so come back for that post... soon! 

Party At:


  1. What a cute idea!

    I'd love for you to link up to our Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings party going on now until Saturday!!


  2. Thank you Melanie. Sadly I missed your party-- had been off due to my first week back for fall semester classes (LOADS of methods classes have me swamped)... but I'll look you up :D



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